Christmas Special Menu

photo report
今年,我們將於聖誕節特別暖心推出期間限定的 Christmas Special Set Menu。由我們主廚嚴選在地特色食材,結合佳節氣氛的風味佳餚;呈現CÉ LA VI Taipei 亞洲風味與現代料理手法交織而成的華美樂章。在耶誕氛圍中與您最親愛的伴侶及友人們,配上一杯CÉ LA VI 特製香料熱紅酒,坐擁台北高空景緻,創造專屬於2019的耶誕記憶~

CÉ LA VI Taipei sincerely presents our special XMAS menu for both lunch & dinner. With selected ingredients combining modern Asian cooking techniques, we are proud to invite you to experience the Asian flavors in our restaurant! Available for limited time only.
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