Will everyone please be upstanding for this important announcement from the Premier.

Patrons can now stand at the bar and inside the club!

Hooray for vertical consumption!

This has been like the world's longest game of musical chairs ... Anna says stand up. Anna says sit down. Anna says stand up again. But it's another baby step in the right direction so we'll take it.

Sadly and somewhat inexplicably the DANCE BAN remains in force.

We know it's going to be tough but we ask you to try to resist the urge to bust out those moves bottled up inside of you for a little longer.

Speaking of musical chairs ... we are going to keep the swivel chairs in place on the D floor. So if you feel like a boogie, get down but please don't get back up again.

Our good friend Chris Wood from The Demon's Forge Blacksmiths came and welded our battered chairs back together again so they are as good as new and ready to go for this epic long weekend.

The next step on this long tortuous road is on November 1, when 40 people will be able to dance at weddings. So if anyone wants to get hitched at our wonderful little club, we can make your special day spectacular. Music, catering, celebrant, decor, guests, grooms and possibly even brides can all be arranged through Sub Rosa's new Shotgun Wedding Service. All you'll need to do is say, 'I do' and we'll dance happily ever after.

Juuuuuust kidding.

Meanwhile, we look forward to seeing 30,000+ sweaty people crammed into the Gabba for the all important AFL grand final.

Maybe if that little medical experiment pa$$es without a hitch, the powers that be might cut the rest of us some slack in time for Christmas and New Years and let us dance off this gigantic annus horribilus once and for all.

Hope to see you beautiful people here this weekend to help us celebrate Betty Windsor's birthday.