STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING ✋ Tag your team 👇 and book our brand new BOTTOMLESS GIANT MOJITO BRUNCH!! 😮

What’s on the menu?? Well just about every flavour of 2 pint mojito you could think of including an exclusive PORNSTAR MOJITO! 🍒 CHERRY BAKEWELL, TIKI SPICED 🗿,CANDYFLOSS NOJITO (for those that don’t like soda or mint! This one comes with Candlyfloss and Lemonade!) RHUBARB & GINGER, WATERMELON 🍉, RASPBERRY and of course the CLASSIC!

But wait we haven’t finished…. You also get BOTTOMLESS Wings, Dough-balls, Mozzarella Pockets and Fries!!!

Enjoy this 90 Minute treat Thursday - Sunday between 12-6pm!!

To book head to our website