Nu:Motive x BCM: Bristol Freshers Launch w/ Levela & North Base at Blue Mountain Club #Bristol ✱ 13.09.17. ✱ #JumpUp #DnB #DrumNBass.
"Nu:Motive Promotions return to Bristol for the 3rd time this year and team up with Bristol City Music to bring you one HELL OF A LINE UP to kick off Freshers 2017, for just £6!"
DJ Levela with Mc Swifta and for the first time in Bristol for 4 years… North Base.
+ Support from: Dazed DJs ✱ Smoggy ✱ DJEDB ✱ Stelphy ✱ Bendi ✱ Hosted by Elkay, Charta & Nike MC ✱
Room 2 - Hosted by Back2Bass: FHD & Hutchison ✱ Kinga ✱ Monners ✱ BoLeng ✱ Misscrazy ✱
Music: Upgrade - Dumbo.