Beyond Bruegel Plein Publiek BXL

Beyond Bruegel is an innovative art experience in the centre of Brussels on the Mont des Arts.

The works of the Flemish master Pieter Bruegel the Elder are enlarged to become immersive projections. In various rooms, visitors can explore the style and oeuvre of the painter, and will then be immersed in a 360-degree projection that's like stepping into the great master’s extraordinary world.
His artworks seem to come to life all around you as you wander through the landscapes that inspired him. The exhibition ends at Plein Publiek BXLl, where you can drink Duvel on tap along with updated versions of classic Flemish cuisine from the chef.

All info and tickets are available on
Kunstberg/Mont des Arts, Brussels.
Tuesday-Wednesday-Sunday: 10.00 - 19.00
Thursday-Friday-Saturday: 10.00 - 21.00